The Descendants of Willam Powell, Sr.
William Powell, Sr., a Caucasian slave owner was born between 1790-1800 in Virginia and died in Tennessee; he is buried in a Caucasian cemetery in Tennessee. Through a relationship with a female slave whose name at present is unknown, may have been of African-American descent or of a mixture of African-American, Indian, and Caucasian descent. The female slave was born in Virginia. They were the parents of a son, 2. William Powell, Jr.
William Powell Jr. and Sarah Powell
William Powell, Jr., a slave of a mixed union was born about 1828 or 1829 in Virginia. He was sold to a man by the last name of Aspen. He was freed in 1863, and he changed his name back to WILLIAM POWELL. Sometime after he was freed he moved to Tennessee and settled in or near Crockett County, Tennessee. He met and married Sarah (Greene) on December 10, 1868 in Tennessee. Sarah was born about 1852 or 1853 in Tennessee. Her parents were also born in Tennessee. She was a mulatto like her husband. We definitely know she was of Cherokee descent. At present, we do not know when William or Sarah passed away. We know that they may have been buried in Maury City, Tennessee. There were four children born to this union. The four children were Amaritta Sarah Emma Powell (January 1870-1927), Thaddeus Powell (December 1876-August 23, 1932), Uriah Powell (August 1874- 1909), and Cornelius Powell (January 26, 1879-June 10, 1932).
Amaritta Sarah Emma Powell
Amaritta Sarah Emma was the was the only daughter of William and Sarah Greene Powell
Thaddeus Powell
Thaddeus Powell was was the oldest son of William and Sarah Greene Powell. He married Amanda Boykin, and they had ten children: Edgar, Arthur, Mary Easter, Theodore, Lurlie, Lizzie, Halcie, Hollis, Jessie, and two infants (unknown).
Uriah Powell
Uriah Powell was the second son of William and Sarah Greene Powell.
Cornelius Powell
Cornelius S. Powell was the third son of William and Sarah Greene Powell. He was born in Alamo, Tennessee (Crockett County) on January 26, 1879. At an early age Cornelius showed a lot of interest in books and in doctoring sick animals. He would even play doctor with his older brother and sisters. Cornelius had somewhat unusual middle name, and therefore chose to use his initials instead. After he started school, he became known as C.S. Powell.
He attended Crockett County, and upon graduating from high school, went to Nashville, Tennessee where he entered Walden College. After completing his courses at Walden, he entered Meharry Medical College o study for the profession that been his life long desire. It is believed he finished Meharry Medical College around 1909 or 1910, and came to Fayette County to practice medicine in 1911. He was married when he came, but this marriage ended shortly due to death of his wife. In 1912 he married Hattie Locke from Dyer, Tennessee in Gibson County. To this union, seven Children were born: Cornelius, William, Joel, Melroy, Lowell, Elverna, and Infant (unknown).
Dr. C.S. Powell, physician and surgeon, was one of the best doctors of his time. He set up an office in Memphis in the late twenties, but continued to doctor in Fayette County. Due to poor health, he passed on June 10, 1932. He died at his home in Somerville, Tennessee, which is now Lofties Funeral Home. His death was a great loss for Fayette County.